Comments : My Love, My Elizabeth (Sonnet)

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Oh I'm glad you posted this one...its brilliant. It got me in the heart, it was really well always. Sonnets are tough but you smacked it lady.

  • 12 years ago

    by Wild flower

    Now this is a real Sonnet Old Fella!!! Not the one I wrote:P

    This is so perfect, awesome job:)

  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Can't comment in depth because you know I have commented in other areas youve posted, I'd just be repeating myself, but this dear one, is an example of so much. Of your smartness, your creativeness, your strength. This was hard to write for you I know, but finding your zone and focusing, you sure knocked it out of the park...Well done, this is beautiful.

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Maples this is excellent
    I tried to write a sonnet and got the right hump for about a week swearing that I will never write anything again.
    So well done for doing this without a melodramatic tantrum.

    now to the poem;
    The darkness in this is immense, love the speech, the scene setting and the whole eerie feel of this.
    It is nice to read a dark piece from you.

  • 12 years ago

    by L

    When I read this Sonnet my first thoughts were Vampire!

    how the vampire seduce Elizabeth and stripped her life plus blood. It created quiet a scenario where they are waltzing while the vampire seduces her... I loved that about this piece. Specially, to create a visual with a sonnet is pretty tough.

    Well done!

    Ps. I don't know if it was about vampires but that's what I thought.

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    Yes Luce, you are correct! It is about a vampire and his taken one- Elizabeth ~ I wanted to take that darkness and make it romantic ... in a deep, morbid, dark way.. I see sonnets as romantic...and that was the twist I took on this piece, thank you!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow Maple, very well put together. I find sonnets are usually very simply written with no need to read between the line sor study the poem, they become very clear and flow fast. This one I found to be very unique and I found myself reading back over previous lines getting different images. I also got different tones, not just darkness but of hidden romance, loss etc. It just seems to hold a lot more between the lines than what is said.

    Your wording is just amazing, I do not know how you do it. Very powerful, well done. xx

  • 11 years ago

    by Rusheena

    This read as if it was taken right from Shakespeare's collection. It's so elegant and classical, and everything from the rhymes to the imagery seem so effortless. I was intimated by sonnets and never considered writing one, until today. But this has inspired me to give it a go. Favorited!

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    My first instinct when reading this is a vampire seducing this woman to become his new lover. I swear, when reading feels like a movie! I can see them waltzing around the room, him whispering words into her eyes, hypnotizing her into a swoon.

    You're descriptive words always blow me away <3

    I love the sonnet! It works perfectly with this because, I always think of sonnets to deal with romance in some way. This is perfect because you have a little of the dark and eerie with love! <3