For Rose

by Jenni Marie   Feb 24, 2013

It's true how people say distance doesn't affect true friendship
until recently, that wasn't something I really believed
Only, we got to talking, sharing snippets, slowly trusting
realizing to each other we were both well recieved

Know that I'll always be here for you no matter what
and whilst it's true we're thousands of miles apart
and we can't always do the things we want to
you will forever have a special place within my heart

I'm struggling a little to convey my emotions
and I m sorry this poem isn't really the best
You know how I suck at rhyming
but believe, none of this is written in jest

Wishing we could be nearer than we are
I love and lurve you and always will do
you're amazing and don't ever forget that
and I'm thankful each day to have met you


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I really really really loved this poem, it is truly amazing and touching and made my eyes water, whoever the special person is who inspires you and whom you wrie this poem for, they are extrememly lucky! I have they know that, this poem is an award winner

  • 12 years ago

    by xXx Eternal PainxXx

    Wishing we could be nearer than we are
    I love and lurve you and always will do
    you're amazing and don't ever forget that
    and I'm thankful each day to have met you
    ^^^ that's what i feel EVERYDAY since i met my poetry daughters i love them even if i don't see them every day...5/5

    Queen Ashlin

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