Water Birds [In Slow Motion] - Haiku

by The Queen   Feb 24, 2013


hundreds of dancers
basking in the winter sun-
swans, ducks and migrants

Copyright (C) 2013 by EvanescentMoon.

*written for Colm's 7 - day contest: Day 2


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  • 12 years ago

    by Melpomene


    I read this poem when Colm posted it and this was by far one of the most beautiful I read out of the bunch. I remember going through each clubs poems and I picked FOP out straight away, I wasn't sure who wrote what but your club definitely has a unique approach to writing. Congratulations to your club, you guys rocked the challenge and were very deserving of the win.

    It isn't often I catch you writing nature poems or even shorter poems but you definitely created something very elegant here. It reminded me of ballerinas and for some reason I heard the piano played in Kanye Wests runaway love while reading, I guess it was just the link I made with the delicate imagery you depicted.

    Winter sun was lovely, it's not often winter and sun go hand in hand. In poetry you tend to hear of the sun being linked to summer rather than winter but it also helped me create more of a scene than just what you had portrayed here, I saw weeds covered in frost and still waters, you didn't need to paint this for me as your words set the scene beautifully.

    The use of the word migrants intrigued me; it opened this poem up a lot more. Of course you were referring birds that migrate but the term migrants when defined also refers to works who move season to season, like fruit pickers and this term led me to believe you could interpret the poem in a way that was beyond the surface,

    This was a lovely Haiku

  • 12 years ago

    by Britt

    This has such a beautiful image! Haiku's like this are the reason I love the form so much. Such quickness with a longstanding image in your head, it's really wonderful. I thought it was interesting you chose them to be in winter.. you don't often see winter sun, and that made it unique for me. It's hard to write haiku's sometimes without them being about the same topics over and over, but you wrote it in a refreshing and incredible way. Your whole club really impressed me, you're all awesome :)