The healing power of love.

by CRAFTY KEN   Feb 25, 2013

The healing power of love.

It comes from our Father above, the God who IS love!
Before I was born I was loved by thee, how wonderful Lord are your thoughts of me, too numerous are they for me to see.
As David said; you saw me formed in my mother's womb and for me, you laid in the tomb, you had seen much grief, sorrow and gloom.
The grave could not hold you as it's prize, on the third day you did arise!
That Sunday morning you did come, you did not reveal yourself that day to all but to some.
A woman of the streets was one, despised by the Pharisees and by almost everyone.
What great love and great forgiveness this woman did see, it is also given to you and me.
Now she loved you Lord and hated her sins, her stony heart was removed a new heart of love was put in, her new life in Christ was to begin.
What a Savior, what a Lord, whose love draws us like a cord.
Jesus, he is worthy to be praised, who delivers us from our sin and shame, the beloved Son of God who brings glory to his Father's name!

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 NIV.

Author Ken Feb. 2013


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  • 12 years ago


    Thanks for the nomination and your praise, my talent is a loan from God and to him belongs the glory. We both have some of the same authors in our favorites like Dagmar, Cardwell and Marvelous. Much thanks also to Shakil.

  • 12 years ago

    by shakil ahmed

    Good poem. A poem for our Creator and his love - i am at loss of words. Love it.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Awwwwwww, I love this, it is truly inspiring, I LOVE IT, great poem, I hope you don't mind but I nominated it for the weekly poetry contest, good luck, even though your poetry doesn't need it, YOU ARE SO TALENTED