^ I absolutely loved that. I felt these details really emphasized your whole point, almost like the poem could have stopped here because I totally got it at this point, however I'm glad you went on.
Nonetheless, I will massacre this silence
with my love for times when humanity didn't always
choose stoicism due to their fear of living
without reservations, boundaries, secure hearts.
^ What the.....that is like star quality wording right here Maryanne....Your way with words, seriously I'm sitting here like what I do I say to that??? Stunning!
Again, I say I have no words for this, but I thought I'd point out my favorite parts.
Nominated :)
12 years ago
by xXx Eternal PainxXx
You are barely a woman now but even I cannot
piece you back together, for you are shattered
and often evade me.
^ this is my favorite part! :)