
by Poet on the Piano   Feb 26, 2013

Rock me to sleep, you're thinking.
I see it in the way you curl like a lost
diary page, crumpled and huddled securely
into a wall corner that is weathered from
the harsh battering of bleeding rain.

Even though my lips form lyrics,
you are my child gone mute,
and I cannot force you to speak
when your heart is silenced and
only of an unknown marble.

Because of him you will never trust
a sightless promise. The only arms you
will accept will be ones rough and bruised
from a lifetime of waiting...

written for Day 6 of Colm's challenge.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    Loved the comparison with the diary page. Speaks volumes. Actually, I liked every bit of this, especially the ending, apart from the 'bleeding rain'. I'm not really sure why :/ might be because it forces the image, or I can't really visualise rain bleeding. Maybe it's just me, lol.

    It's heartbreaking, unique, well-written. A treat. Keep it up!

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I love this poem, I suffered elective mutism during school and it was so horrible to go through, even now I struggle to commuicate and so many people do not understand.

    I like how you add in this mysterious person who is to blame for this. You do not give anything away about him, which I like because it means we can all identify our own person who has hurt us in some way.

    The acceptance of any one else's arms is like a massive endanger to ourself because of this person and how they have messed with our minds and so we find ourself only able to trust the touch of our own arms, very sad ending.

    The whole poem was deep and touched me and I think you actually made this the perfect length because it seemed to just contain so much power but not be too short or drag out either. So well done.

    I also like your title choice because for me it represents this position that you are describing, it is not that you want to be this way, or have not attempted to change, but this person has left you this way, it is all you have known therefor it becomes safe. Everything else is unkown and new and unsafe so we become trapped in the safe gaurds that we already know, no matter if they are not good for us or not.

    Into the faves :) x

  • 12 years ago

    by xXx Eternal PainxXx

    Because of him you will never trust
    a sightless promise. The only arms you
    will accept will be ones rough and bruised
    from a lifetime of waiting...
    ^^ love this part in the poem very beautiful!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I've seen selective mutism with children and this immediately reminded me of some very troubled children I've encountered...
    But I also relieved parts of my own troubles through this touched a chord in me and when poems do that...really drag me in, then I love them.

    This MaryAnne is a poem I am totally in awe of, the emotion within and those it draws out of me...just amazing...


  • 12 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Beautiful...yet so sad girl.....This reminds me of Kelly Clarksons song Because of you...its sad how when one person messes up in our life, the natural response is to shut down and not trust others around us or the future people we meet. One bad apple ruins the bunch, however I've been through it and I know we can overcome that. Its hard, but sometimes we have to let our guard down or we wont meet anyone or have a stable relationship with anyone.

    Loved this Maryanne, your poetry always gets me thinking about the circumstance and not the poem itself lol.