
by Terrin   Feb 26, 2013

As days go bye. I find myself Asking the same questions. WHY. If i truely love you.Then how come I cant say Goodbeye. As much as it already hurts my heart being with you now. I dont even want to think about not spending the rest of my life with you. I Am so depressed. With Mylife. And with Us. Neither one of Us have control of Trust. I miss how We used to be. When nuthing or knowone else mattered. But You and Me. Im scared of growing apart. And at the same time I know that things We bolth have done. Has shattered pieces of Our hearts. How do We start over again. So You and I can find Our Friend. I hate the fact that I love someone other than just You. It tares Me up so much inside. I wish You really new. what a twisted battle. My heart fights My head is telling Me to go. But My heart is saying to stay. If only We can make the Pain,Disstrust and Mistakes go away. Then We could live with no Guilt,Hurt,and Blame . Today But just know that whatever happens My Love 4 You Remains.


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Latest Comments

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    Sad but beautiful.

    • 11 years ago

      by Terrin

      Yes it is sad.. thank you

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Such a sad poem, I fought not to cry as I read it, this is truly written nicely and is an amazing piece of writing, you have a lot of talent as a writer, wonderful job, 1000/1000!

    • 11 years ago

      by Terrin

      Thank you hunn...