The sun, the traitor, the lover

by Yakari Gabriel   Feb 27, 2013

Atleast I know I was human with you,
and him, and her.

I was the horizon and you were
the sun that climbed on my back
and made your way to the sky
to tell everyone a new day was here

but you never stayed in one place
you came by day and left by night
and I did nothing but wait for you

I never understood how it was that
things happen that way, how the sand
always goes back
to the bottom of the ocean even
when he throws her up all the time

how the sun we love so much is
the same one that burns our skin
how we cry because the day is over,
instead of savoring the night

no,I'll never understand how it
was that I wanted you, or you wanted
me or why we never loved like
it was supposed to

all I know is that,
like antonio said
"In a friendship everything is permitted,
except to betray it, trying to put love in its way"

I apologize for being the traitor,
to be the one to mess it all up,
for not knowing how to turn
down the volume of my love

but when I love, I give all of me
its something can't control..

I just hope one day time teaches me,
how to keep some myself.

your "friend"


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  • 11 years ago

    by Decayed

    Its something can't control..

    ^ this needs an "I"

    how to keep some myself.

    ^ this needs 'for'


    Your writes always touch me in ways I can't explain.

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