Get up (a poems for you, my sisters)

by Ingrid   Feb 28, 2013

Get up

Stand tall, my beloved sister

from the shadows of night into the light

you must go, stand tall, stand tall

only the weak give up without a fight

you can do it, sister, no matter the color

of your skin or the humbleness of your home

stand tall amidst the shadows, forecasted by

those who stand to gain by your defeat

pick up the glove, and step into the bright light of day

as old as time, we are, and as one we shall stand tall

when day comes, remember your nightly visitor

and the whispers from her ageless soul

get up, stand tall.


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  • 9 years ago

    by LittleMermaid

    Hello Ingrid, back to the site after so long.. And here i get the chance to read this wonderful much i misses reading you and all our club members!
    Thank you for sharing the encouraging words..i am in very much in need of these 😊😊

    • 9 years ago

      by Ingrid

      Thank you, dear Prati:) xx

  • 9 years ago


    This poem Ingrid as I interprete it, is about women standing up for their rights, 'Womens Lib' if you like.
    I applaud your choice of subject here, yes women, go girls go! Another winner Ingrid!

  • 9 years ago

    by kelleyana

    What a poem say, says much about the poet. Ingrid, what i always like about you is the humanity that lies within you. You called every women sisters, this touches me so much in a way it made me think of all those people who never put their feet in another person shoes. The message i got from this poem is, be you, never ceased to be you, chase your dreams and do it for you.
    Nicely penned, kel.

  • 11 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    this poem grabs the attention of the reader in its use of vocabulary, 'get up' 'stand tall' and my favourite 'sister'. The word sister will mean different things to readers. For me it reminds me of my sister who sadly passed this year. This poem for conjures a ghostly, yet heavenly world where 'ageless' souls can 'step into the bright light of day'.

    I loved this and the imagery it has created for me.

    thank you ((hugs))

  • 11 years ago

    by Rebecca Bentley

    Ah ingrid this poem is so inspiring, makes me feel so positive. If that makes sense? You're so talented