Torment soul

by Areeba Hashmi   Feb 28, 2013

Never thought life would be that brutal
Expectations were so high but alas! It turned out to be hell cruel...

Wanted to fill it with colours...
Beauty,fascination and captivation

But the narcissistic world revealed its inhumane face ,
Before the bird could takeoff, it cut off its beautifully expanded wings

Aspirations that were blossoming each flying day in mind
Hopes that were about to touch the ultimate heights

But once again all ended up in vain
Abortive,barren, not worth a candle I must say...

Don't know why this happens ??
Every time I light up a candle, storm of hash realities blew it off in hasten

My hopes are about to bite the dust
Anxiously waiting for someone to revive my previously life's lust

I could sense a sinisterly cessation
Direful, ghastly, terrifying termination...

I fear my depressive thoughts
Not just these but a lot more

Expectations were turned down one after another ,
Feelings emotions sentiments were killed in a sadistic manner ..,

Torpid, numb, this heart still beats...
See what an agony to bear,
Dormant body with a dead soul innards...!!!


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  • 12 years ago

    by Aditya

    So amazing! Very well written, every word was so strong...i love it, great job

    • 12 years ago

      by Areeba Hashmi

      Thanku Aditya for your appreciation :)

  • 12 years ago

    by Areeba Hashmi

    Please rate my helps me to judge where it stands.