Comments : Mamma would be proud

  • 12 years ago

    by xXx Eternal PainxXx

    Mamma would be proud;

    as even though my heart feels
    like a small delicate flower
    crushed under two innocent unaware
    pairs of children's tiny feet
    ^^^ this is what i want my future to have for my daughters i want them to email me cards of pictures of how they have changed their lives and they have both a career and a family so happy in their lives...this part of the poem nearly put me to tears!

    Queen Ashlin

  • 12 years ago

    by Helen

    Your mom would be thrilled to know you can finally accept what life throws at you and deal with it sensibly. Congratulations on putting the past behind you, where it belongs!

  • 12 years ago

    by Maple Tree

    This is a powerful piece Jenni- I can relate to this piece.. the power in unveiling the strength to your mother of how you can overcome and be stronger from the pain and anguish of a broken heart.. the piece is in a very pretty format which I truly adore... truly awesome piece with a powerful message!

  • 12 years ago

    by Darren

    Great strength in this and real self belief. You get the feeling you will be okay from this.
    I love the layout and the pace and tone works well.

    though you tossed
    my heart into a blender
    keeping it continously
    whirling round, shattering
    breaking, chopping...


    This part is the best because it is the part you allowed the anger to surface, but quickly you go back to what is important, your support network

    nice write.

  • 12 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Very well done and I am sure she is

  • 12 years ago

    by AJ

    This poem is so, you, your life. Beautiful. I can feel your pain at every period. Written with so much voice, and passion. Everything in this piece works beautifully, very good job.

    Plus, the formatting actually makes it kinda look like a blender, coincidence?


  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Oh my goodness... I am in tears, this is such a powerful poem Jenni! What strength you have, what a journey this whole poem is, and I know your mom would be proud, being able to overcome and remind her you are the daughter who won't waste a second mourning, crying, for that time spent in pain. It isn't worth it because I know and your mom knows you can stand tall again.

  • 12 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    You are indeed a very strong person! I know if someone put me through such a heartbreak, I'd be devastated and a complete mess. Yet you have become stronger, not letting them get the best of you & moving on. To know you're making someone proud by standing up for yourself is the most beautiful thing! You realize that it's not worth it, it's not worth your time, you could be so much happier. You are a gorgeous person inside & out :) Love this.

  • 12 years ago

    by sailor

    Gud 1....
    plz check mine tooo
    hope u will like them

  • 11 years ago

    by Half Husband Half father

    Loved the message, when i was reading it peaceful enthusiastic vibes were moving around me, i loved this poem so much of positivity god bless u :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Half Husband Half father

    Loved the message, when i was reading it peaceful enthusiastic vibes were moving around me, i loved this poem so much of positivity god bless u :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Samuel Ernst

    Jenni, I know I hardly read other peoples work, yet alone comment on it, I love this piece. From an up bringing like mine I can relate. Raised that tears are for the weak and that if you do cry its has to he worth it. Just remember, those who are worth crying for will do what they can to make sure you don't.

  • 11 years ago

    by Jeraun Terre

    Very nice poem I love it

  • 11 years ago

    by ControlRobot

    Love this poem

  • 11 years ago

    by ControlRobot

    Love this poem

  • 11 years ago

    by ControlRobot

    Love this poem

  • 8 years ago

    by Em


    This made me cry. It's beautiful.

    The part that got me the most was where you separated
    It just gripped me because although you probably felt like crying inside you never did. A lot of people can relate to this including me as we hold a lot in as a society for fear of being 'different'.

    I like the form of this piece.