Comments : The End

  • 12 years ago

    by xXx Eternal PainxXx

    Oh wow i love the way you painted everything in my mind i can see it all! good poem! :) 5/5

    Queen Ashlin

  • 12 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I really liked reading this, each line had meaning and I admire the brevity also, it made for a short, brief write but also one filled with an almost calm realization---- our days will come to an end sometime but we must not be afraid, we must love while we still have our breath. With your last line it made me possibly think of another side, that knowing there will be a true "end" is better than this pain being dragged on.... I kind of saw this as prophetic in a way: "Though the world does not end, it crashes. Though it does not die,
    it suffers.".... I really can see that as the truth, because life still goes on even if we can barely make it through, and sometimes we may feel it's too much, that if there was a promise of the end, there would be no more struggle. Good emotion in this, you put so much expression very simply but also brought me into this melancholy kind of atmosphere of thinking about the end, to whatever it may be.

  • 12 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Though the world does not end,
    it crashes.
    Though it does not die,
    it suffers.

    ^This little bit was so powerful! You've put the reader inside the mind of someone who is struggling and wishing the world would end so that nothing remains and the pain is washed away. I like how the ending could be taken two different ways, one meaning the world would end, and two being the pain will cease. Whichever it is, I hope things get better for you if you are going through hard times!

  • 12 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Sam..I read this a few times, and each time it broke my heart.

    I'm assuming this is about depression?

    I took it this way because of

    "Though the world does not end,
    it crashes.
    Though it does not die,
    it suffers"

    ^^That says, to me, that you're hurting. That the world hasn't ended but it feels like it may as well have or should do. That you are in pain, emotionally and you yearn for it to end, even though you know it wont.

    If my theory is correct that this is about depression...what I will say's good you recognise the pain. Only by recognising it and working through it, can you allow yourself to begin to heal.

    I felt like your last two lines would have been better placed previously somewhere and that "Though it does not die,
    it suffers." would make for a heck of an impacting closing, if you were to swap them around.

    And as always, you know where your M&Ms are if you need us!

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    Reading this I got a clear picture in my head of what was being said. I loved it. Great poem.