Comments : Poetic Forces

  • 12 years ago

    by Hellon

    This is a very unusual style of writing you have here..It's very olde worlde..not like Shakespeare...something or someone else that is in the back of my mind that I can't quite have me guessing now...won't sleep a wink until I remember haha!!!

    For the most of this poem I feel you were trying to get frustration across...couldn't find the words you wanted to use or something?

    I find release from my distress
    In translating what may or may not impress
    But within me, I have peace, I am contented
    In knowing I am free, for what was intended
    Have their existence found, and will stand
    Alone, and free as was their demand.


    This tells me you finally realised..if you like it it doesn't really matter what others think...I really liked this one....Well done!

    • 12 years ago

      by Milo De Moray

      Thanks I really liked writing it, oh and when you do recall who that mystery writer was please let me know too because I'd hate to be mangling someone else's style. Thanks again for your response

      Yours Truly

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    I like the fact this is written in an old style, The layout is interesting and the rhyming scheme and tone build a good tension. It almost reads like a Shakespearean monologue, I could picture Hamlet or Macbeth uttering this on stage. (Maybe Rosencrantz?)
    The best thing about the whole piece is the underlying message, you appear to be telling your audience not to worry about the opinions of others and believe in yourself.
    Well done.

    • 11 years ago

      by Milo De Moray

      Thanks Darren, I appreciate your comments, I like to write about what makes me feel alive. This one was inspired by a friend who is also a poet and a performer.