
by Vacant Expressions   Mar 4, 2013

I can feel myself fading.
I just can't be strong
The creeping darkness is invading
This fight has just gone on to long

My world is slowly slipping
Fading into black
My wrist is battered and dripping
As I try to steal some of my sanity back

The darkness is eagerly calling
Like a lullaby, it sings my name
It whispers that I am falling
and I am the only one to blame

It feeds on my weakness
and thrives on my pain
Escorting me into the bleakness
Slowly driving me insane

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  • 12 years ago

    by Gabriel

    Awesome poem and a great choice of words! 5/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Slowly Dying

    LOVE the poem:) I can totally relate to it:)