Comments : Angelic Hugs

  • 12 years ago

    by Angie

    A simple hug can make you feel good and put a smile on your face, but a mommy's hug does so much more, it makes you feel secure, loved and makes every thing better... you've expressed it all so beautifully within this write Saffie... love it

    hugs you xoxoxo

  • 12 years ago

    by Daylight Lucidity

    Awww this is soo cute! :) nice 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    This touches my heart so dear. I would give anything to get a hug from my mother once again, they definitely would be angelic.

    I love the repetition of some lines and the subtle rhyme scheme you have going on, it works beautifully.

    A mother's hug can make you feel secure, love, content, everything that her child needs to feel...a hug is all that is needed to brighten her childs day. You truly captured that here. <3