Comments : As Spiders Do

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    Oh, I just love this, its so beautiful, so captivating, I love the images and the nature tone, its so you...I love this, I love everything about it.
    Just're love for James is so strong, its obvious and that is just powerful


  • 12 years ago

    by Wafaa

    Your use of words OMG!! sunshine, love, spring, fresh, smile, dancing.. it's just beautiful. The image I get from this piece is almost like a painting reflecting a lot of love and care for your husband:) The way you compared yourselves to spiders dancing in the freshness of spring is simply captivating.. I love this piece!:))

  • 11 years ago

    by BlueJay

    As all of your pieces do, this one seriously shows your voice and style. GREAT write. I love how you can write such short stunning pieces and yet manage to say so much. Yes, the images are excellent. Wonderful.

  • 11 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Oh my stars, Andrea; how does this only have 3 votes?! Injustice! I was going to automatically give it a 5 before I even read because I saw it was dedicated to your husband, but I wanted to fair and read it first. Didn't matter!

    You're amazing with imagery, and I love how the images in this poem meshed perfectly with the theme. I like that your title and subject left no indications of what the poem is about because I went in completely open-minded, and I like deceptive titles. Spiders aren't the first thing that would come to mind, if I were thinking about a love story, but you found a way to make it work, without the metaphors overshadowing the meaning.

    Amazing work, as always :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    You are darling, Andrea. This is so sweet and just radiates love.

    A fantastic, unique metaphor! Of course, I wouldn't except any less from you! :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey


    This is so strange, because I hate spiders, but you made me absolutely love the thought of them lol

    Andrea what you have done here is so unique, and I'm sorry I missed this because I would have nominated it!

    I thought you took the life of the spider and made it sound like a magical love trap, and then took one simple ending sentence, and truly made the reader do 2 things....1. fall in love with the thought of a happy love...and 2. question whether spiders are smiling while looking down from their web.

    My gosh I just love this!! I found it to be so strange though...because you took something so ...creepy to some...yet made it so magical, so beautiful.


  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I firstly have to apologise for not being brave enough to read this... I seen the title and came up with my own Do Not Enter sign lol.

    I think you should change this poem into the love section... because then I would have questioned the title maybe? being in misc gives it no justice I think.

    The poem itself is not about spiders at all, but you have simply used this to express your feelings of love.

    You were the spider lurking,
    dancing in dew drop temptation
    waiting to capture the true essence
    weaving me to silence.

    - This opening is quite interesting because it shows what our minds are used to thinking when seeing a certain word. so when I read lurking, I assumed a bad dark feeling, but then what you are doing is describing how this person had been awaiting you and once he found you he would envelope you in his web and capture you - but in the way of love and how he would then keep you and take care of you. very touching.

    Webbed in diamond clusters
    of a safe, warm union,
    closer to the truth of our natures
    destiny, spinning as one.

    - this is beautiful and shows a web for a different meaning. To use something that is always dark and scary and turn it around into a safe place where love grew and began, this is just so creative and shows your talent. "spinning as one" - this actually made me think of the two spiders together spinning an even bigger web for their family and to make a bigger and cosier home for their new life together.

    Puff's of sunshine drape our
    love like a spring rain,
    smelling fresh blades of
    grass dancers upon our toes;

    - very nicely written - it made me think of the innocence of spiders, because no matter how much we fear them, they were never created to cause us harm, it is our own minds that create this fear and idea, they are simply living their lives in their own way they just happen to share our space and earth.

    we smile, as spiders do....

    - nice way to end, to reinforce the happiness and the innocence.

    Well done for making a very unique twist on this poem, the title did scare most people away haha, but I am glad I read it in the end and also it reminds me spiders are inoocent too and I forget this!

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I firstly have to apologise for not being brave enough to read this... I seen the title and came up with my own Do Not Enter sign lol.

    I think you should change this poem into the love section... because then I would have questioned the title maybe? being in misc gives it no justice I think.

    The poem itself is not about spiders at all, but you have simply used this to express your feelings of love.

    You were the spider lurking,
    dancing in dew drop temptation
    waiting to capture the true essence
    weaving me to silence.

    - This opening is quite interesting because it shows what our minds are used to thinking when seeing a certain word. so when I read lurking, I assumed a bad dark feeling, but then what you are doing is describing how this person had been awaiting you and once he found you he would envelope you in his web and capture you - but in the way of love and how he would then keep you and take care of you. very touching.

    Webbed in diamond clusters
    of a safe, warm union,
    closer to the truth of our natures
    destiny, spinning as one.

    - this is beautiful and shows a web for a different meaning. To use something that is always dark and scary and turn it around into a safe place where love grew and began, this is just so creative and shows your talent. "spinning as one" - this actually made me think of the two spiders together spinning an even bigger web for their family and to make a bigger and cosier home for their new life together.

    Puff's of sunshine drape our
    love like a spring rain,
    smelling fresh blades of
    grass dancers upon our toes;

    - very nicely written - it made me think of the innocence of spiders, because no matter how much we fear them, they were never created to cause us harm, it is our own minds that create this fear and idea, they are simply living their lives in their own way they just happen to share our space and earth.

    we smile, as spiders do....

    - nice way to end, to reinforce the happiness and the innocence.

    Well done for making a very unique twist on this poem, the title did scare most people away haha, but I am glad I read it in the end and also it reminds me spiders are inoocent too and I forget this!

  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    Ooooh, a work of genius! I absolutely love the use of spiders. They are so subtle, and quiet. This gives the poem an extremely calming vibe.

    I love the imagery like "puffs of sunshine" and "dew drop temptation". It's gorgeous!

    Lovely write.