Love Senses

by Love Fallacy   Mar 6, 2013

The longer that i have to wait
more vivid pictures i create

i listen as the wind blows past
hope your voice i hear at last

your scent forever lingers here
helping visions reappear

the thought of your lips upon mine
sends deep chills down my spine

my heart flutters and begins to race
along its side love keeps pace

never a lie but forever true
love me always, as i love you


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  • 11 years ago

    by Andrew Packard

    Paints a good picture of what it's like to be in Love!

  • 11 years ago

    by Kate

    Ugh I love this. I don't know. It's simple and the rhyme is beautiful and the flow. I love the idea of waiting, waiting for the voice of the kiss or anything. It has such a beautiful quality of longing that really captures the attention and it burrows in the soul and makes it easy to relate to and feel even if someone doesn't have someone in their life. Beautifully imagined.

  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    Very nice rhyming. Great flow as well.

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Such a sweet, genuine write! I like your simple, little use of punctuation and how you had two lines then a break instead of long stanzas..

    "The longer that i have to wait
    more vivid pictures i create"

    - Capitalize your "i"s; this made me think of your determination to stay with this hope of love, like you know of this person's love for you but something has stalled it, maybe out of your control?

    "i listen as the wind blows past
    hope your voice i hear at last"

    - Shouldn't "hope" be "hoping"? Read again, I think it'd sound better. I too feel the wind can be powerful and just listening to the wind can be relaxing, thoughtful, and make you think of another.

    "the thought of your lips upon mine
    sends deep chills down my spine

    my heart flutters and begins to race
    along its side love keeps pace"

    - Like the magic and butterflies of this moment, as you know this is true and something indeed special.

    "never a lie but forever true
    love me always, as i love you"

    - Nice how it was almost like a plea to this person to stay committed and true, as you have and will do.

    Cute, short poem and again, the rhyme is spot on and works here... so keep it up!