I was told that if you find a true friend you've found a treasure
Yet I've come across two that I'll treasure forever
It's a blessing to me
How close you can be
With two other people who less than a year ago I never even seen
It must be a dream...
These angels I see
I am so grateful the Lord blessed me!
When I think no one understands
They lend their helping hands
I thought at one point my problems were my own
Yet I am beyond happy that the Spirit in me has Grown
If it didn't my eyes would be too blinded to the blessing sent my way
Two beautiful souls and in my heart they will forever stay
I've prayed for them more then I've prayed for myself
I'm glad I have them, if nobody else
when they smile, I smile harder
when they cry, I cry louder
their pain is my pain
so i've prayed and I've prayed
that my Lord send all blessing their way
They are my angels, my blessings in disguise
I'm just so happy I got a chance to meet real live angels, with my own two eyes