Romeo and Rosaline

by LostForWords & Daylight Lucidity   Mar 8, 2013

O Rosaline, on this night I must declare myself true.
I see your sapphire eyes sparkle in the moonlight.
The flow of your hair as it dances gracefully on the wind.
This love burns bright, like a moth to a flame.

O Romeo, art thou the dimmest star in thy sky.
How can thou measure up to the beauty of I?
Release this infatuation of thine heart.
And willst thou rain from the stars.

O Rosaline, in my dreams I see what I desire
most in this world. My heart yearns for the
love of yours. Untill it's call is answered,
the strength of this feeling will grow with time.

O Romeo, do go to that masquerade, thy heart
is nay in the right place. For my eyes of a
frozen blue sea. Can never be captured by
the hand of thee.

O Rosaline, despite effortless actions, my
heart feels ignored. Your an elegant swan and
yet I feel the need to move on. My call was
never answered by you and I feel a sense of
loss and despair. I'm going to Capulet's
masquerade now and who knows who I
might find there?

O Romeo, please be so kind as to leave.
My presence, my life, thou hast no reason.
To obsess and claim love that can't ever
be freed. For I will never reciprocate the
feelings of thee.


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Pete Daniels

    Love the words, very traditional. Keep going, yr doin good.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wwow, I am speechelss

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wwow, I am speechelss

  • 12 years ago

    by whoami

    I love that you used the character of Rosaline instead of writing a poem about Romeo and Juliet.

  • 12 years ago

    by ah satan 666


    I love olde english!

    Well penned guys, lovely collaboration :)