My Life in Pieces

by Gabriel   Mar 8, 2013

The cogs stopped twisting,
The hand stopped ticking.
The clock stopped turning,
that inner life stopped burning.

Yet the whole of my life is returning,
though dead I am now adjourning.
But don't worry; death is just the beginning of a new life!
Though I can't say you'll ever find one without strife.

So tell me,
Have you ever lived your life in a box?
Just staring at the Clocks?
Watching time tick away?
Wishing that you were dead the next day?

Because I have........
I was lying in my bed,
waiting, just waiting to be dead,
when the tragedies of my life kept circling in my head.
It was my wife, of whom I remembered, every shred;

Her beautiful face and her pretty smile,
that not even the Sirens could imitate with all of their guile.
The love we had, the love we made!
No matter what, our marriage could not be swayed!

We had 3 little boys,
with us 5 we had many joys.
Until one day, my wife had gone away.
Her last words "John don't go astray.
There is still happiness in life; you just have to find it,
never let go of it."

Her body, lifeless in the hospital, she died of cancer,
I kept talking, crying but received no answer.
"Rachel! Rachel! Don't leave me, don't die!"
I asked and screamed "why?! Why?!"

I thought of going to see her but couldn't live life only halfway.
It was my sons that I couldn't stand to betray.
Though I felt my life was in decay,
it was life, that I could no longer delay.

So over time my wounds healed though they left scars.
I accepted that they would be there forever, just like the stars.
I raised my children to be as happy as I could,
I found that happiness and my life was good.

Until one day.
Rrrrrrring, rrrrrrrrrrrring, "Hello?" "Is this John Livingston?" "Yes"
"John, I am sorry, but your son Simon....has passed away,"
"he got hit by a car."

My life was shattered,
I felt so battered,
I gave up.

When I heard my wife's last words again ring in my head,
I rejected it,
"No, no! I am sick of life! I want to be dead!
How many times will my loved ones be ripped out of my hands?!
There is no more pain that I can withstand!"

And now here I am waiting for life to slowly fade,
wanting death while at the same time hating it.
Not because I don't know what will happen,
but because I know I am letting down my sons,
and my wife's last wishes.
And because.......I'm leaving them behind.

My vision starts to blur,
my thoughts start to slur,
my sense of touch disappears,
and all my years.
I begin to drift through the air
still feeling weak and beaten, something that even death cannot repair.....


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  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    I really like the flow. My attention was front and center the whole time. My heart actually started racing toward the end! Great poem.

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC


  • 11 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Oh my!!! i'm blown away by this poem! :( i'm sorry if it's true since most of mine are it's stories of my life and my favorite part of this great poem would have to be

    So tell me,
    Have you ever lived your life in a box?
    Just staring at the Clocks?
    Watching time tick away?
    Wishing that you were dead the next day?

    Because I have........
    I was lying in my bed,
    waiting, just waiting to be dead,
    when the tragedies of my life kept circling in my head.
    It was my wife, of whom I remembered, every shred;

    Her beautiful face and her pretty smile,
    that not even the Sirens could imitate with all of their guile.
    The love we had, the love we made!
    No matter what, our marriage could not be swayed!

    every part in this poem had so much emotions and the images burns in the soul and mind while reading this poem it's truely something and i hope you keep penning great poems like this! 5/5

    Queen Ashlin

    • 11 years ago

      by Gabriel

      Oh no this doesn't relate to me, I notice that my life is actually quite simple compared to a lot of others on this site, I got it easy, but I like writing sad, depressing, or dark stories, so thanks!

  • 11 years ago

    by Kips2.0

    Wow! This is pretty intense, ugly and very sad. I hope things go well for you. :)

    • 11 years ago

      by Gabriel

      Ya after looking at most of your poems I didn't think this was your type of poem, most of yours are bright and uplifting, that's why I didn't ask for the reciprocate, but thanks for the vote anyways.

  • 12 years ago

    by Biancas Veil

    I like the start of this it is great hope you get to finish it off

    • 11 years ago

      by Gabriel

      Well here it is I guess after I took a break the first time I wasn't sure how I wanted it so I didn't get around to finishing it for a while. Hope you enjoy though it has taken a bit of a turn from what I first thought it would be like.