Comments : What is the point

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    Yes it matters if you died today. The things God has planned out for you won't take place and that also affects other people's lives.
    Do you have any idea how many lives you have touched? Kelwin when you were gone during the summer and once I got back here I thought of you a lot. Because I remember all the times you made me smile and laugh when I thought my world was falling apart. Yes I know your heart is fragile and in an intense amount of pain and right now so is mine but just talking to you helps keep my mind off of it all.
    You're one of the angels God gave me to help see me through and I am an angel he sent down to you to help you through. If you weren't here, how many of the other people you know would be? I am sure you have made so many people smile and laugh and yes there are times where we fail to make that possible but isn't it worth the fight to see a smile planted on someone's face?
    You have a beautiful son coming who you will help raise to be a gentleman just like his father. We love you so much Kelwin. And I know that for a fact. Look back at all the comments we all left on poems where you wanted to end it all... You have touched every one of our souls.
    You don't see the light until you've been in the dark. You are in the dark now. You will find the light.

  • 12 years ago

    by Gone Forever

    It always matters. Because if you die today everyone will miss you. Everyone will feel even more pain than if you died during you're time

  • 12 years ago

    by whoami

    Again I am 100% with Kate on this. YOU mean so much and if you can't see that then you need a new pair of eyes.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    KELWIN!!! I'm going to cry right now so hard! YOU mean so much to us to me, and we don't want you to suffer, but please don't throw your life away!! YOU are such an amazing person and deserve the best and I wish you coudl see how outstanding you are and a comfort to talk to, YOU are my guardian angel, my support, and the band aids you put on my fixs wounds that nothing else could!! Thank you for all you have done for me! I only wish you could see how amazing you are and fantastic you are to me, and wonderful, outstanding, superme, the most happiness in the world. I know you 'll die one day, but please don't take away your life so quickly, you are so important to all of us! YOU will be an OUTSTANDING FATHER, and your girlfriend is truly LUCKY!! Wonderful work on this poem though! I LOVE YOU BRO!!