What are you looking for?
I'm looking for love--
Not a roll in the hay
One-night stand
Or fling
Not a relationship.
Hands interlocking fingers on a sunny street
Thighs pressing on the couch
Eyes locking
Lips smiling from across a room
Energy connecting two hearts.
Two sets of arms chopping in the kitchen
Kisses in the morning and after work
Phone calls with short stories
Plans with shared duties
Dreams for two.
Unity, purpose
Decades of trash days
Hundreds of birthday candles
Thousands of washed dishes
Millions of intimate gestures.
Tolerance of sweaty arm pits
Lenience for garbled messages
Patience for lessons being learned
Endurance through sickness
Stamina for loss.
I'm looking for love--
Not for an artificial silk flower
But a bud that flares into bloom
Flourishes petal by petal into a gem of nature
Grows limp, wrinkles, withers, and dies
But breathes forever in the soul.