You Undeniably Messed Me Up

by CathyButterflyJC   Mar 11, 2013

Day after day I pretend I'm fine
He'll never know how much I'm hurting
Because this pain is a heartache
Meant for no one to bear
I know he has been through a lot
But to throw a true love away
Then turn and promise another
"I'll always stay"
After leaving with no explanation
Okay I get it
You never meant it

The more I find out about his lies
The more I'm unraveling at the steams!

He said so many things,
But didn't mean anything
He proved love to me
That later turned out false,
How can I master
To stand up straight
When all the disappointments
Pound like a drum beats
Upon me
Are barely able to balance on my back,
Weighing the tears out of my shell,
Broken as my heart is shattered
By you
And the knives thrown through me!

Turns out you didn't mean anything
I was just a doll on strings held by you
By the hands I used to want to hold
Wished to wrap around me in a
You never really loved me

Broke through my walls
So you'd have to fight to get through
And you fought for me
So I believed I was your only one
The promises you mean to break

You got a lot of nerve
Setting me up to be destroyed
Knowing I'd get hurt
But trying to hurt me all the more
Said you never felt like this before
Well if only I had seen you
When you ran for the door
Left me to clean up
Blood all over the floor
My own remains that you ripped apart
In your hands I placed my heart
Trust running through my veins fro you
But what did you do

You choose to leave
To leave me
After all the words you said
All the conversations
They had been so treasured
My heart I shared
But you only acted like you cared
Played me along like a fool
Well you think your cool
But your not a real man
Your lame when it comes to loving
Comes to keeping your words
Comes to being with a forever
Because the marriage you talked about
Vanished permanently
Which no one can change

The waiting for me you claimed
All gone
To breathe now feels wrong

Now I'm lying here
Not showing you what's inside
Because I'm dying within
The truth you choice to hide
So now I die
Without you by my side

Bye bye
Bye bye bye

I am broken
Broken glass is under my feet
No words can heal this
No type can fix this
You ate my heart
You created disappointments
And settled for my let downs
Well I hope one day
You drink the poison
You put in my cup
And see life's not fair
When you lie to get your own way
And I guess you must have
An arrow is through my back
And my heart is laying upon your palms
You stab it with everything you got
Every knife you have
The daggers go all the way through
I feel the stabbing
I feel the stinging everywhere
This isn't right
This isn't the life for me
I used to be so happy
Before you came and messed me up
Scratched out my light
Torched the glow you filled me with
Why do I love you so much
After the dirt you rolled my heart through
You really messed me up
Undeniably, uncontrolably!


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Latest Comments

  • 11 years ago

    by Victoria

    Verrrrry detailed. Ithink so many can relate. Love this!

  • 11 years ago


    Another long poem Cathy, but sooooooo worth the read! Really enjoyed reading this!!

  • 11 years ago

    by Wicked Ways

    Because this pain is a heartache
    Meant for no one to bear

    I think getting a broken heart is a right of passage in life. . . . you go through it and it makes you stronger. but yes, heartache is undeniably the worst. and I feel the pain within this entire poem. let your heart heal. Eventually it will.

  • 11 years ago

    by DeviousCharmer

    I hate liars. especially when they intentionally hurt you . but karma will get them back. i like how you worded everything . you put your feelings into it. so it makes it special.

  • 12 years ago

    by Mohan

    But to throw a true love away
    Then turn and promise another
    "I'll always stay"
    After leaving with no explanation
    Okay I get it
    You never meant it
    ^^I truely connected with this lines.
    and I am in doubt in this word
    The more I'm unravaling at the steams!
    ^The word unravaling should be unraveling I think.