Comments : The Fragile One

  • 11 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    I often feel there's one in a relationship that's chosen to take everything as it comes, there's one who shall always prevail, come off lighter in heartbreak and I've often wondered why this is so...
    And how some women just seem to have it attached to them, that vulnerability, and others find it easy to cope with love and heartbreak, or just never experience it.

    You penned a piece that gave me questions instead of answers but that's something great about poetry, its not always made to help us understand, if we are moved, touched, provoked in just a small way, it's done its job.

    You are a writer of high standard, the talent in being simple yet powering is one you possess immensely dear.

    I love this write, Maryanne, it is beyond all reads before.


  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    I swear it always takes me twice as long to comment your poems because I literally read them several times before I know what to say, they are that good and can be interpreted so many ways.

    This poem reminds me of a city with homeless people on the streets, and how you walk past them & see them with their cardboard signs & how they luggage around all their belongings. You pass them & you don't really know what to think, you in a way wish you could help but then again you really can't do anything for them. Some of them genuinely are without shelter and such, you can see how broken they are in their eyes, etc. I love your ending, 'they were never meant to be fragile' I feel like nobody is ever meant to be fragile either, but sometimes life takes its twists & turns and things end up becoming something we never dreamed of. It's not fate, it's just the unfortunate part of life sometimes.

    As you can see this poem really is a thought provoking one, you could have meant something completely different but through my eyes, this is what I see. Lovely piece! :)