Comments : Size Doesn't Matter

  • 11 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I could express words that weigh
    a million tons of nothing, yet you
    would never feel the depth of my
    heart and soul.

    - this was a quote in itself to open the poem with. It sets the meaning of the poem and shows the bond of love and the strength and depth of it even though you have not described much about the two people yet. It describes what true love is and how it is supposed to be and feel. I like your choice of " a million tons of nothing" this was so powerful because it came across as such a heavy weight but yet it meant nothing compared to how you really feel. Beautiful.

    Diamonds the size of giants
    would only burden the hand
    that is holding yours.

    - I get here the relation to the title and it made me think of the size of rings you see some of the celebs wearing and you cannot help but think how annoying and unpleasant it must be sometimes and get in the way of daily tasks! I really like how you mention that the hands are holding - very sweet and shows that you do not care what is one the hands as long as they are together.

    So darling, the depth of things
    mean nothing to me, when eyes
    of amber whisper "I love you"
    knocking me to trembling knees.

    - here is the power of a voice, such a strong thing and can never be replaced with any other power. I believe a voice is all it takes to express our love for someone and if we can do this with our voice and without material possessions then it proves how true and strong the love is.

    Our love is large, far more powerful
    than any earthly possessions cluttering
    the sky....

    - your ending is very creative with using the stars in the sky as diamonds. My thoughts were that they are scattered everywhere and perhaps wanted and desired by so many people but you realise what you do have is so much better and worth so much more. Something very unique and that not many people can see or even find. It shows appreciation for the one you love and everything they say, do, and are.

    Beautiful poem xx

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard


    I thought this was about something else when I read the title! Sorry, I'll get out of the gutter now.

    "Diamonds the size of giants would only burden the hand that is holding yours"


    What a truly wonderful line!

    A beautiful poem and a beautiful dedication - James is a lucky man to have a partner that writes him verse like this.

    All the very best