Alone in the mist

by Frostburn   Mar 18, 2013

I feel so alone,
What should I do?
I want to be light,
But i feel dark is what I should do.
My friends have left me,
My lover is much to far.
I am all alone.
As the darkness falls not to far.
I know I won't be missed,
I know that well.
I want to be good,
But what should I do?
I don't want to go to hell.
I am alone in the mist.
Forgive me please,
I want to feel at ease
I reach for help,
But nobody's there
Please help me god,
For the light is right there.
I want to be light,
Not evil all though.
It's so hard not to give in,
Of corse I am all alone.


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, I love this poem so much. It is so deep and pounded on my heart, wherever my heart is now. This is a very soul consuming poem, I really loved it, 100/100!