Mine Allegiance

by Kips2.0   Mar 19, 2013

O thou Queen of mine heart,
If it so behooveth thee that
Mine heart be totally yielded
Unto thee, I'd gladly give it up.

For thou didst bring gladness
Into this mortal soul of mine,
And the pleasure of thine love
Is subordinate to none.

Serenity, the wish of mine soul
Toward thee, and that ample grace
Be bestowed upon thee forever.
This petitioned I for thee every day.

Why shouldst thou toil or famish
While others dine and flourish?
I wouldst trade mine gladness
For every one of thy sorrows.

The last thing I wouldst cause thee
Is that thou shouldst weep deeply
And thine wailing become stern
Because of mine imperfection.

For as much as unto thee made I
My allegiance, to care and to keep
Thee forever in good health,
So giveth I up mine life for thee.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Milo De Moray

    Hey Kips! I like your style, in fact I prefer it myself. I love this stanza;

    Why shouldst thou toil or famish
    While others dine and flourish?
    I wouldst trade mine gladness
    For every one of thy sorrows.

    It shows real love, the way its meant to be,yet so few of us ever realize it, and, therefore miss it completely. Keep up the good work friend.

  • 12 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    Exquisite Kips!!!

  • 12 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    I totally agree this poem is very sweet and unique. Your poem make me feel like I am back in the day of the old testament. The times when men wore the long beards and white wigs. This poem is romantic and wrote and a manner where the readers could connect.

    Favorite stanzas...

    Serenity, the wish of mine soul
    Toward thee, and that ample grace
    Be bestowed upon thee forever.
    This petitioned I for thee every day.

    Just beautiful...5/5