
by Daylight Lucidity   Mar 22, 2013

As her tears fall like acid from her eyes
Her pain, emotional and physical,
Brings her to a state of mind
So beautifully whimsical
Where sorrows flee and happiness flourishes
Where nightmares are merely a story
Life, here, has meaning and feels worthy
Of persevering through, without senseless worry.
Delicate angels roam throughout the land
Taunting and mocking her pain
Laughing and calling from beyond the grave
Leaving her unwilling to stand.
What happened to the whimsy and magic you ask?
It lies forlorn amongst forgotten flames
She ripped off its deceptive mask
Revealing her worst horrors from within her loving chains.
Beautiful betrayal which she loves so dear
Clutching the memory of passion held near
Within her "whimsical" state of mind,
She worst fears have only just begun.


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  • 12 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    Delicate angels roam throughout the land
    Taunting and mocking her pain
    Laughing and calling from beyond the grave
    Leaving her unwilling to stand.

    ^^^ that part was my favorite! :) 5/5

    Queen Ashlin

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    WOW, I lvoe this poem so much, it really speaks out ot people, I love the words you choice and the flow your writing has, it is perfect, wonderful job, 100/100