To try to prevent suicide my way

by Kelwin lost in thought   Mar 24, 2013

the one word we all fear but know
death can be the hardest thing
that I know for a fact
I've watched many people I loved die
my first fiancé and our un born baby girl
my best and very first friend
the girl I loved died in my arms
my grandma
the one girl I trully loved
and five more of my very close friends
I once didn't fear death
I wasn't afraid to die
I even tried to kill myself so many times
but no longer
cause I learned something
I learned it the hard way
I learned to fear death
and to treasur life
cause it can end at any secont
and I learned that
if I don't want to live for myself
then I should live for the ones that I have lost
and for the ones who I haven't lost
so for me I'm living for them not for myself
so if you think about suicide
think a moment befor you do
and ask yourself
cause to take your life is selfish
trust me I know
if you can't live for yourself
then live for the ones you love
or for the ones you have lost


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  • 11 years ago

    by BlueJay

    You make some really strong points, I really did need to see this today. Good piece.

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    BEAUTIFULly written Kelwin, I really loved reading this, it really spoke to out to many I know for sure! I still can't get enough of the way you write, it is beyond wonderful, outstnading, remarkable! Kelwin don't ever give up please, keep fighting, you were given a life, don't lose it! 100/100

  • 12 years ago

    by Burning Angel

    This is really good!!!! I love it

  • 12 years ago

    by StupidMe

    Good poem: ) 4/5

  • 12 years ago

    by Kate

    Really deep hun. Gosh you have been through way too much. But this is amazing.

    So proud of you :)

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