
by Cassie Cain   Mar 27, 2013

To hold me when I'm hurt, when I'm emotionally drowning, he'll be there to let me know, nothing can hurt me.

When I'm defeated and fell like I cant go on, he looks me dead in the eyes and reminds me to stay strong.

His love is unconditional, the way he loves me is so precious and beautifully true, that I can't bare the thought of it ever fading away.

He treats me like his queen, he does everything he can to make me happy and thinks of what I'll feel before he does things, puts me before everyone.

He works hard to give me everything he possibly can, to keep me happy but he doesn't know that I'm already happy and fufilled with just his presence alone... and the love he gives me.

We have adventures at night. Walking through the streets of the city. Even though the streets are dangerous, I know I am safe with him. He doesn't fear anything, when I'm with him. He tells me he's my guardian angel... so I know I'm safe.

When we don't do anyhthing at all, we just lay together and tell each other fictional stories or stories that we've experienced together. We caress one another and draw on eachother with high lighters under the black light. He writes little notes on his favorite part of my body.

He never puts me down, even when Im being difficult, he may offend me sometimes but he turns right around and apologizes, kisses and holds me and I know he means it. Cause tears roll down his eyes.

He loves me unconditionally.......


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, I love this poem so much, it really spoke to me, this poem is one of my favorites, your heart was poured ot in this piece, which makes the best poems, I really got into the verse, and the lines screamed out to me, this poem has so much talent and emotiona and many can relate to it, wonderful job with this poem, it is fantastic, awesome fabulous and so on!

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Wow, I love this poem so much, it really spoke to me, this poem is one of my favorites, your heart was poured ot in this piece, which makes the best poems, I really got into the verse, and the lines screamed out to me, this poem has so much talent and emotiona and many can relate to it, wonderful job with this poem, it is fantastic, awesome fabulous and so on!