Deceitful Jerk

by La Reina De Corazones   Mar 27, 2013

You said you'd never leave me,
Yet you did,
Promised that no matter
What you'd love me
Through thee end,
But look at your eyes,
Can't you see the unveiled lies?

Never promise again,
It hurts too much to believe,
Here you go here's the car key,
Drive away and drive in the last blow
I'll ever receive,

My heart I give to you,
As a reminder that you still have me
in your conscience still,
Live your life with the painful choices
you made
You freaking deceitful creature!!!!


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    This is such a wonderful poem, definally one of my favorite poems of all from you, your work is so amazing, FANTASTIC JOB, this poem is so heartbreaking and I almost bursting out crying, this reminds me of you know who, wondeful great captiviting your emotions, no one does it like you.

  • 12 years ago

    by Daylight Lucidity

    Very emotional, I could feel the pain myself. I cant help but wonder who did this to you, and why? You're amazing. Anyway, very nicely written. I enjoyed this though it brought a tear to my eye. 5/5 from me.

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