Comments : Another Midnight Epiphany

  • 12 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    This is beautifully simple.

    You'll probably have heard me say this a million times already but I love it when you write for James, about James, with James in mind, the love between you two is so powerful it radiates in every word, it is honestly the most beautiful and precious things I've witnessed, the love you give him and the love he gives you is totally captivating to read, and you express it every so gently...

    I loved this write, it was so simple but so touching, so raw, and so real and that is what I love about it, that honesty in it, its so refreshing.

    :) x

  • 12 years ago

    by Rusheena

    Aww! See, this is why I love married couples because they do adorable things like this. Beautiful write, Andrea <3

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Maple this is lovely, just a little reminder that the love is still as strong now as it has ever been, if not stronger. True love in a little poem this is. I think it is very sweet that you put a thank you in the poem because I think it is important to thank people for loving you because it is something we don't do often enough but it is always nice to say and to hear.

    Lovely little poem.

  • 11 years ago

    by Daylight Lucidity

    I really adore this poem, it is just so well said in so little words. It's amazing though so simple, but perhaps the simplest things are truly the sweetest, aren't they? The picture you painted with this was so... So... Sensual and sweet that I instantly smiled. Beautiful one again, as if I'm surprised! :) well done.