Whispers in the Dark

by Jack Nightengale   Mar 28, 2013

'twas the night I slept, dreaming, drooling
'twas a peaceful dream of a greater power ruling.
Then the dream flipped as I began to fade, drifting, falling
I heard my name from the dark, someone was calling.

First came one, then became many
'twas more than one but, I'm sure it was less than twenty.
All these hands wrapped around me pulling down, dragging me about,
A horrible enough dream to make even the strongest man pout.

I awoke in the day around noon,
Not a minute later nor a minute too soon.
I arise to follow my daily routine, coming, brushing, all the normal things,
I walked outside and heard voices by the springs.

Thinking to myself, "it can't be, it was all just a dream."
I decide to walk over and all was calm so it seems.
Then the voices became more clear, clean and a lot crisper
Now these voices all sound like whispers.

As the day slowly turns to night,
I began to dim my candle lights.
Still the voices haunt me, taunting me creeping as they stalk,
All of them whispering, whispers in the dark.


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  • 11 years ago

    by WintersAngel

    This poem captivated me from start to finish! Greatly written and awesome job with the wording!

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Dark and mysterious, I love it! This is a very compeling read, I enjoyed reading it and your words are spinnning aorund inside of my head! Wonderful wonderful wonderful job with this poem!

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