Comments : That Night In The Weight Room

  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    I love how you started the verses with the same sentence, it really tied the whole thing together and brought new light to each verse, wonderful job and by the way I love your name on here, I love butterflies! Wonderful job with this poem!

  • 11 years ago

    by La Reina De Corazones

    , do u feel the same as i do? or am i just someone that shares ur bed? As I fought to hold back the flood of tears that were now stinging the back of my eyes, I look deeper trying desperately to find the answer.
    this part makes me smile cause there are THOUSANDS of people who think this way...i used to be one of them nicely done in this part overall the poem had emotions and i could see everything happening on this it was a story more than a poem in my opinion but a very good story in my opinion like i said i love the part i put on top for not only the poet has a touch of this poem but rather many although it was made in first person the poets can think it's them in their minds and this made me laugh in the end very good! 5/5

    Queen Ashlin