Whats The Point

by Jaleel   Mar 28, 2013

Whats the point of having a brain
if you stil act stupid?
whats the point of being beautiful
if you just use it to manipulate people?
whats the point of being fast
when you just run away from every confrontation?
whats the point of having emotions
when they leave you shattered and depressed?
whats the point of being alive
if we're all going to die eventually?
whats the point of caring
when people just break your trust?
whats the point of having a heart
when it ends up getting broken?
whats the point of anything
when theres nothing left to care about?


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  • 12 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Believe me I've wondered all the same things! Currently the heart break lines again, but I've wondered those before, before he fought for me to leave. But I do believe life gets better, even though I don't see it now. And no one knows when, but you have to have hope! This poem really spoke out ot me and it will to a lot of other people too, wonderful job!