Make it Burn

by TSI25   Apr 2, 2013

Because there are things that make the world turn.
cash flows and revenue
coursing through
the hearts of men
and women

ones and zeroes, kill switches
and computer algorithms keeping
the world turning

hackers have their fingers
on a billion tiny triggers-
trojans, viruses - darknet
with RATs crawling through the sewers of the web

and no one knows...

their songs are unsung
their deeds unknown

just another news story
"hackers take down a website"
like anyone knows (or cares) what that means

and no one knows...

are they lonely?
why don't they just go outside
and make some friends?

Because there are things that make the world turn
We do what we must
we do what we can
because we can
because we want the knowledge
and the power...

with our fingers on a billion tiny triggers -
with your webcams we can see you
with your debit cards we can spend you
and become you

we can steal you, as long as you're not us.

but we don't and no one knows...

This poem isn't legal tender
but apparently your soul is...
and its a billion ones and zeros under the eyes
of a billion tiny triggers-
waiting to set the world on fire.

(im not a l34t h4xx0r or anything, im not threatening anyone, this isnt about anyone. just raising awareness of how fragile the world of computing is made just because so few actually know how it works)


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  • 11 years ago

    by Khalid M Darwish

    Very important and thought provoking piece at the same time. I loved the topic. It's worth reading.

  • 11 years ago

    by Lemon

    Like Hannah, I definitely wasn't expecting computer hacking haha! I think it's a very interesting topic to choose to write a poem on, and although I think hacking is often brushed off and ignored unless you are the one actually going through it, and this poem brings to light exactly how much of a problem it can be.

    The repetition, to me, is wonderful. "Fingers on a billion tiny triggers" kind of reminded me of the bridge in a song. I like the connotation and comparison this creates with a gun, because, in truth, hacking can ruin someone's life, like a gunshot.

    "We can steal you"- another very powerful line with a great impact, really hits home how potentially dangerous hacking can be.

    Really great poem, I enjoyed it :)

  • 11 years ago

    by L

    I heard somewhere, I don't remember where but when a goood hacker( I mean someone who knows the net so well) is caught they might give him a job instead.
    I mean there arent many who knows how the cyber world functions.

    It's a whole new world, too bad I'm not familiar with it. Binary numbers and other things would be fun to understand.

    Great poem, I enjoyed this one more than "another man"

    I have no critiques.

    • 11 years ago

      by TSI25

      Its fairly common, the hackers you mention typically go by the term "white hat hackers" (though not all white hat hackers do it for payment)

      theres really this whole underground world of hackers, like a whole other universe, where seemingly anti-social people have these rich adventurous digital lives. in some ways the web is extraordinarily dangerous because of the malicious hackers, but do keep in mind its also a brand new frontier, ripe for exploration, adventure, and discovery...

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I wasn't expecting this piece to be about computer hacking, so I was surprised and definitely intrigued! The computer lingo got me a little confused but overall, I understand the message and think it's a unique and very great one to put into a poem! Props for that.

    It is scary, it makes people not really want to buy anything online or bank online because of hackers, it's a serious situation and I'd say millions of people are hacked everyday. Not just money wise either, through social networking sites and other sites, so again I love that you brought this awareness to everyone's attention.

    Great write, like I said very unique! Uniqueness is always a great quality when writing because so much stuff has already been done over and over again. Love it! I'm gonna show it to my fiance, he's really good with technology, so I'm sure he'll enjoy this. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Chelsey

    Interesting piece!!

    Probably wouldnt surprise you if I said I'm totally freaked out lol...But no, seriously...awareness on this issue is a good one, and one not talked of mom always tells me things like, dont leave a webcam plugged in, be careful what you put online, shred papers instead of throwing receipts away, etc.....its a scary world...we look over our shoulders worrying about rapers, killers, thieves, but hackers are another "genre" to be on the look out for...its creepy and totally unsafe to have your info out there.

    Well done.