In love there are no normal states of mind,
Loves nature is claustrophobic,
Like a kaleidoscopes changing,
With all your powers you try to hold back,
In vain if the love grows fast and wild.
Love is an eternal power, dragging you,
Pulling you on and on in life,
From the first breathe of love,
Filling your lungs with the exotic relief,
Like clean fresh mountain air.
Love is like sand it sticks to your skin,
If it's wet it is like clay, don't brush it off,
You act crazy, sweet and feel happiness,
Soaking is your skin, open to capture this,
Love is more than a state of mind.
I am longing once more for the intoxication,
The blind faith in you, and the trust of you,
Love makes blind, lead me again and again,
You are my dashboard, my control,
While I lean backwards, to be captured by you.