by Britt
I try to think of comments for your poetry, I really do. I think of picking apart what I love and why, or summarizing, or really looking in depth into it.. but I feel it just doesn't do it justice. This poem is so incredible in so many different ways. From beginning to end you have me in this soft of lofty, lullaby feel. DANG IT I wish I could nominate poems! :( lol |
by Ninth Muse
There's something nostalgic about |
Britt I understand you here completely, & I'd be happy to nominate it for you! I just hit the button but it is not showing up on the nominations list... I hope it's not too late! I love every fiber of this poem, from the form to the perfect placement of comma's to the imagery and talk of homeland.... "nostalgia" is a word that always reaches to me, I don't think it's overused and it conveys a depth that sometimes is hard to say or describe. It sums up emotion we hold. I love the opening image, it's something so calming, like this is what we have called home. Coming home at twilight to the street we live on, seeing those familiar lamp posts every night in the same spot, and watching footprints fade... it's like a past we know so well yet we are living on from. Then, I liked how you talked with your own voice about the oddities this land holds- maybe it's not where you were born or the soil you first set foot in, it's not the general 'home' others so often name it, but it's different for you, and you love it for those types of reasons. Such wonderful expression... brevity like this is just captivating and inspires me as a poet! Great job :] |
by ah satan 666
Congrats on the win... |
I really liked this poem, it is amazing, great job! It spokes out to people!! |
Congrats on the win, really happy this won & you should be proud of this poem! Beautiful job! |
by Hellon
I don't know what to say about this really because I thought I was Australian by now but...something just made me want to smell heather,..walk meandering paths that lead me to the ocean..find the sand that I can not find in Oz although we have many beaches here... |
by Unknown
Here is my comment from judging from Free Spirits. :) |
I don't think I've ever seen a poet attack a persons mind like you do , your images are just so vivid it's like |
by Darren
Congrats on the win, well deserved |
This poem has soo much imagery! The dimly lit roads I can picture so well, there's an alleyway that I walk down to get to my boyfriends house, there are two old rusty trucks at the end of it, makes me think of how they look, how they are an oddity like you speak of, yet how beautiful of a picture they would make. Often in the morning before sunrise this alley way has that bit of glow to it that you speak of, yet it's so creepy at the same time. I loved 'faded footpaths' it emphasizes the fact that it's dark with a bit of light, but mostly it makes me feel as though someone is following me because sometimes it truly feels that way! Foreign places have always been quite interesting to look at in pictures and such. Makes you quite jealous sometimes that they get to call it their home and see it's beauty everyday. There are so many oddities in life we often do not appreciate, but they truly are lovely and beautiful in their own way. I love this, given that I can completely connect with your imagery! Well done :) |
by Jaymi Lynn
Short, sweet , simple, and oh so delicious! Nice write. |
Congrats on the win! I hope you remembered me, Landy :) We were in the same club once and I am still so proud of your poems and how well you write! I loved the really articulate play of words, almost like a word-gasm after reading this piece. You do have a flair for writing and I hope you keep writing for the longest time :) |
Wow. I should be reading more of your poems! |
by Jenni Marie
Judging comment: |
[Judging comment from week of 4/08/13]: |