Comments : My love for you is selfish.

  • 11 years ago

    by Darren

    The first line is a good indicator to where this poem is headed. Ties in with the title yet takes it up a notch.
    From there this poem gets stronger and more obsessive.

    'I want to cage you and keep you locked away from the world
    so none could tempt you away from me.'

    this hints at your own lack of self confidence, it shows you feel he is too good for you and would be easily tempted away.

    'I love you too much-'

    this is just one of the awesome scattering of single lines that emphasize your feelings really well. You sound like a woman possessed.

    Overall a really good poem that on the face of it seems a little obsessive yet looking deeper we see a real lack of self worth.

    good write.

  • 11 years ago

    by Lostlove1

    Just a great write SS. Very strong and powerful poem that lots of us can relate too. I am always excited to see a new one from you...Good luck in the contest, this is a great piece :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Daylight Lucidity

    This is just so incredibly amazing that words can not describe this accurately. I've felt this way before, it was so overpowering that I can't forget the person even though they're gone. Just fantastic, nicely written. 5/5 from me

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This poem reflects the title like a thousand times hah. Definitely a poem that shows someone's insecurity and how they don't want to let this person go. They love everything about them, they'd do anything for them, they are crazy about every little thing about them, they are obsessed. Sometimes this happens in love, definitely not something healthy. You've portrayed this all too well here though, it's perfect. Made me think of a quote I saw on the internet about how you're not jealous of your boyfriend talking to other girls, you just don't want anyone else to find out how truly amazing they are. The part about wanting to cage them up and have them all to yourself made me think of this. Another great poem from you!

  • 11 years ago

    by Karla

    Sometimes I wonder if real love is possessive or unattached. Either way love always leaves us in a maze of lillies. But who doesnt get lost huh? Gorgoeus piece!

  • 11 years ago

    by Jyoti Rawat

    Good poem

  • 11 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    Judging comment:

    "I'm usually really against the constant use of "I, I'm" etc in poetry, however I found this worked really well here. I really enjoyed the similies that were present throughout the poem, as it enabled me to begin to imagine just how much the author loves the person they are talking to/about, along with creating quite drastic imagery at times "I love you like my captive" for example. The whole poem had me pondering on love and when it becomes too much and turns into obsession, because can't that too often so easily occur? We need to perfect the balance of loving someone in a positive way without letting it turn into a negative way and I find many people don't even realize when that is happening at times. Particularly enjoyed the last line, as even though the poem made me think about both the positive and negative side of love, I found this line to be emotionally touching and very sweet, a lovely way to end this elegantly penned poem."

  • 11 years ago

    by jose zepeda

    ...holy trinity!

    Lol I love the you way you electrify my mind with such passionate writing. I'm going to need imagination rehab after this.