Comments : Explorers

  • 11 years ago

    by TSI25

    Touching, and very sensual... the white chocolate analogy was particularly telling while still remaining eloquent; it actually reminded me of a bit from "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut (a fantastic book).

    it makes me sad that i lack such a person, but its still a very compelling read, i can almost imagine being there in that kind of loving situation.

  • 11 years ago

    by Angelina Taylor

    This is a really moving piece. Is it more of a love poem? But also with an interlude of a strive to glimpse through the meaning of life? I liked it very much.

    This really stood out to me and got my curiosity up as to understand what exactly it means:
    "You may think this is vain, that this place
    we are bound to is a place without senses"

    What is this place without senses, and without which senses exactly?

    Great read!