Loneliness... ( An Acrostic)

by Dreamofolwin   Apr 9, 2013

Longing for someone to understand...
One tender word, the touch of a hand;
Nowhere expells this emptiness...
Embedded so deep, I can't express.
Life just an ember inside of me...
In touch with the world I want to be;
No one sees how my heart craves...
Expressions, laughter, my sanity saved.
Sheer numbness it overcomes me...
Save me, help me... stay with me.


* Just resurrecting a poem I once wrote ( but never submitted)


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  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    Hi Olwin,

    Well done on such an amazingingly flawless acrostic. The rhythm goes throughout.

    Loneliness can be very hard to deal with and even in a room full of people we can still feel lonely.

    Take care, Em.

  • 9 years ago

    by Cindy

    Olwin this is just beautiful. Acrobatics don't usually rhyme but you did yours flawlessly. Your words really touch the readers heart.
    Take care

  • 9 years ago

    by Naughtymouse

    Excellent write!

    I really love your word choice and rhyming in an acrostic is not so easily done well, very thought provoking piece.

    Great job :)

  • 9 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Well done with this - getting an acrostic to rhyme seamlessly is not easy - you've achieved that here.
    Take care,

    • 9 years ago

      by Dreamofolwin

      Thank you Ben :) I appreciate your comment!

  • 11 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    Longing for someone to understand...
    One tender word, the touch of a hand;

    ^^This opening is enough to touch the heart..moving couplet.

    No one sees how my heart craves...
    Expressions, laughter, my sanity saved.

    ^^A very emotional line and believe me when I say that I know how you must be feeling because at one time I was in the same boat.

    Loneliness is such an empty feeling to battle with and I hope it doesn't last. Take care.