
by Blood of a Lion   Apr 10, 2013


I do not ask for the stars to bend to my will.
In the night, I do not think of anger or hate,
I think of love.
Is that not the strongest of emotions?
Hate and anger itself can cause death,
But love...
Love itself creates life.
Whether I be insane or sane,
Dumb or brilliant,
Hated or loved,
I myself am not one to speak of it,
And yet I do.

Deep and darkened is what you see,
And yet I see the light in everyone.
Anger and hate you see,
But I only feel love.
An eerie smile and creepy jokes you notice,
Yet you do not notice the ones I raise.

In truth I have felt a mother's kiss,
But never a lover's.
I speak in openness and freedom from worry,
And yet I myself be scorned for my freedom?
I tell dark deeds on paper,
For in sooth I tell you,
Some have been more exposed to the dark,
They themselves be scarred by it,
Yet thusly continue to stand.
While others crumble and fall.

My heart I give freely,
Though it does not become received.
I wish I were normal,
But I cannot ever be.
I pray for love,
And it does not come.
Myself, I do not ask out of desperation,
Or in sweat,
But in a humble prayer.

C) Aaron D. 4/10/13


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  • 11 years ago

    by Blood of a Lion

    Holy cow almost 2000 views, this is more than I ever thought this would get o.o

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    This piece has a certain yearning, maybe not desperation, but definitely a need of love. It's nice because I think we all can relate to this at some point in our lives... wanting that special kind of love, waiting patiently or impatiently for it... praying, hoping, wishing that it will arrive any minute.

    First stanza: I get a sense of "macho-ness" from this stanza. Like, you think since you are a man you shouldn't dream of love, you shouldn't talk about these things... but yet at the end of the day, you do. Every man does, they may play it off like it's nothing, just a game... but in the end, we all want love. It's human nature.

    Second stanza: Judgement is what this stanza speaks to me. You feel judged by an outer appearance or actions, they see you for something you are truly not.

    Third stanza: Kind of the same judgement theme here, I like it. I like the freedom of speech part. It's true, we are free to speak but are always scorned if it isn't exactly what one wants to hear...we get judged by our opinions. It makes one want to keep silent at times to avoid confrontation.

    Fourth: I don't think there is such thing as normalcy. Everyone is different, everyone has their own unique weirdness about them. It's what makes them, them. You'll find someone who matches you, who will get your quirky sense of humor and will understand your thoughts and will not scold you for saying so. :) Just takes patience, when you least expect it... it's when she'll show up. Enjoy life for what it is and love will fall into place eventually. :)

    Wonderful poem, Aaron! Hope you're doing well!

  • 11 years ago

    by Blood of a Lion

    Holy cow over 1000 visits? Thanks to everyone for their kind words and views.

    • 11 years ago

      by Blood of a Lion

      1700 o.o All I know to say is wow. Thanks for looking at this.

  • 11 years ago

    by White Orchid

    This was really really well written. I loved the entire thing actually. 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by CathyButterflyJC

    Don't ever give up on love, it will come at some point in you time, I really enjoyed reading this poem, it has soooo much to offer, outstnaidng job, I loved it!!

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