Take away my rainy day,
Please help wash my tears away,
All I need is a place to stay,
Or even a place to find,
I'm so lonely that I might die inside,
All I have is problems and pain inside,
I do want a friend
or a love I won't pretend,
All I know are these cold street's,
All there is are mice at night
But never warm sheets,
I'm so scared and lonely,
I always think if only,
If only I could get a warm bath,
All I have is these worn rags,
What if I could have something to eat,
Maybe an apple or a sandwich or some cheese,
How about a nice warm bed,
But most people wouldn't care if I was dead,
I don't mean to be a nuisance,
All this hungriness is causing me confusion,
I have nothing,
except the cardboard box I live in,
I'm just a nice friendly guy,
I wouldn't hurt a fly,
Please don't hate me,
Next time you walk by.