An old lady sits in her chair,
All she does is sit and stare,
The room is bare,
Nobody cares for her really,
Her life is just one big blur,
Time just passes her by,
How does she feel inside,
Afraid but also cold she sits in the dark,
All she's waiting for is a friend,
But all her friends life's came to an end,
This old lady doesn't mind,
any time soon her life will end to,
Then her unhappiness and suffering will Die,
She's so fragile
her wrinkled fingers wont bend,
her eyes wont open as she's to old,
She also suffers from warts and moles,
She's so cold,
She keeps asking why she can't go home,
Her memory isn't what it use to be,
She cant remember who she use to be,
She use to be somebody's wife,
She cant remember her old life,
She doesn't no who these strangers are,
They make her angry and dizzy inside,
All she wants to do is hide,
People don't realise,
Who this lady use to be,
She's so sweet she could fool you or me,
When her time does come,
Her pain wont feel numb,
This old lady has Dementia,
Now her family have forgot her,
She will die alone with Age,
In a care home behind her memory's pain.