by Exostosis Apr 16, 2013
category :
Miscellaneous /
Misc. poems
Imprisoned, in a Praxinoscope film. |
by Midnight Sky
Good job my friend |
by Everlasting
This one is one of my fav from yours. |
by Unknown
I'm in love with the usage of Praxinoscope film!!! I have never seen it used, so props for being original! |
I miss reading your poetry, its so beautiful and exhilaratingly dark....Great Job! |
by Meena Krish
A very interesting poem and makes me think about it a lot! I like the mixture of beauty of a person/person's character mixed with the beauty of nature or perhaps the surrounding as well. I must admit though some of the words I had to look up but all in all it was so very well written. |