
by Exostosis   Apr 16, 2013

Imprisoned, in a Praxinoscope film.
You're every season, every shadow
that dissipates this pragmatic night.

My heart is in exile to the trepid drizzle
that lavishes the curvature of your breasts,
every bead of dew that trickles down your abdomen
manifesting into a whirlpool at your naval abyss.

With each step of your feet, tremors reverberate
the tales of in between, your toes and fingers,
Lavanya, you are, transcending all dimensions
harboring the cosmic catastrophe, that is my soul.

Within holographic walls, imprisoned
in a perpetual blizzard swaying abruptly;
a sand grain. You're every reason.

Note: Lavanya - gracefully beautiful.

Written for myself. Not restricted to a form, flow or structure.


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Good job my friend

  • 11 years ago

    by Everlasting

    This one is one of my fav from yours.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I'm in love with the usage of Praxinoscope film!!! I have never seen it used, so props for being original!

    The second stanza is very steamy, but not explicitly so. I really like that quality in a write, when someone can write about someones body without using vulgar words. You made it elegant.

    I really like the word Lavanya ... I'm unsure if that's this woman's name or if you just chose it for the meaning... whichever, it definitely lives up to the meaning. Such a beautiful name!!!

    I think adding holographic walls was an awesome touch, especially with the praxinoscope film mentioned earlier. It has a consistent theme going on.

    Overall, this was an awesome write! I don't think I've ever read any of your work before, but I guarantee I'll be back. :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Renegade Angel

    I miss reading your poetry, its so beautiful and exhilaratingly dark....Great Job!

  • 11 years ago

    by Meena Krish

    A very interesting poem and makes me think about it a lot! I like the mixture of beauty of a person/person's character mixed with the beauty of nature or perhaps the surrounding as well. I must admit though some of the words I had to look up but all in all it was so very well written.

    Congrats on the win :D