
by Alanis   Apr 21, 2013

You set my heart ablaze, now I'm under
You spell. You feed my fake words of promise
That liven my cold black heart. My soul seeks
Your pity salvation, and my lips seek refuge
Amongst yours. My body bleeds as resistance
Is futile, you drag me along like a toy and my
Pulse increases with your pathetic presence.
My weak morals bring you pleasure, my
Innocents haunts you. Your greed Disgusts me,
But your essence drags me in. For this marks my


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  • 11 years ago

    by Redangelwings

    This is really good and has so many emotions inside of it. This person sets your heart ablaze and I love that line. It shows how much you care for this person. You are under the love spell and it really is hard to break it. I love how you say the person puts light's up your darkened heart and that is great. You feel so alone here and you want to to feel loved. I love the way you say you want to kiss this person you. Your lips seek theirs ;).

    Everyday you are with them you become more in love. that happens a lot. You bring each other pleasure and happiness. Which is what you want to happen indeed. I actually like the ending a lot here as you say love is like death but not really at all. Their temptation does drag you in as love is just that. It just is. You feel it in your heart and know it when you feel it inside. I love the way you worded this though. It is such a unique poem with great lines. The lines seem to flow freely when you wrote this and you put your heart and feeling into it well. 5/5

  • 11 years ago

    by Autumn Leaves

    Great write, it totally sad when a person has a way of bringing us down, but also able to feed the loneliness of our hearts. I feel you described this so well in this poem and I like your choice of words, because they make the reader become absorbed in the poem.

    Great poem....AL

  • 11 years ago

    by xXxMidnight SoulxXx

    Awwwww I LOVE this poem... sooo cute...what can i say? i love this poem it's sooo adorable 5/5

    Queen Ashlin