Comments : Teaching Love As A Second Language

  • 11 years ago

    by Marcy Lewis

    I don't know why this poem reached me, but it did. The thing is, I never, literally, will never voluntarily click on a love piece. Love poems just never interest me, and they all feel so repetitive. This was one of the few exceptions - along with one that Crystal wrote recently. This club apparently just has a gift for writing good love poetry. I really felt the weight of this one - I voted for it, and I'm guessing it was a part of that 3-way tie :)

    Really, Meme, you made this quite beautiful. I love the little rhymes you snuck in there. It flowed, nothing felt like it was forced.

    "A professor is how I
    still picture you, for you
    have introduced me to
    something I never knew."

    That was so sharp for me. I know exactly what that feeling feels like - and it's worded exactly correctly. Just, altogether, geesh. This really was an enjoyable poem.

    I really liked this piece!

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      To be honest I wasnt sure about this piece at all, but your words just made me believe in it a bit more.

      Thank you so much sweetie :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Hellon

    Meme...I do like the thoughts behind this poem and..I see it was written for a club challenge so...I''m not sure what restrictions where enforced have a nice poem here but's just not what I'm used to reading from you...the fluency is not the same as I'm used to reading but...this poem needs to be saved IMO..take your own style and work on it's got a lot of potential just a little jerky right now...hope you understand my comment?

    • 11 years ago

      by Meme

      Yuup I understand your comment fully, I've been struggling with this writers block for a while now and I honestly don't know how this poem can be saved.... I will however try my best once I get my inspiration back, but if you got any suggestions now I would be happy to know them :)

      Thanks a lot Hellon, I love your honest comments :)

  • 11 years ago

    by Boy

    Its the praising or the feeling after the poet got someone very true love. its exact the time when someone feels the complete love. i respect the words you write here... good work. Meme