Comments : Empathy

  • 11 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    You are going to make me teary eyed, this means a lot to read. I'm so lucky to have you as a friend and all I would ever want is the best for you and for you to always be happy. I almost always send people messages asking them how they are doing and such, it seems at the most random times is when it means most which is why I do it plus of course I have such a big heart and am so sentimental and emotional constantly. I'm really happy that you are seeing a bit of light lately and things are looking up, I couldn't be more happier for you. I am always there, not going anywhere, you have to put up with me :) Lovely piece, you have such a huge heart yourself Jenni.

  • 11 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    I'm near tears also! Jenni, this means so much to me, I can't even put into words how touched and blessed and just lucky to have you as a friend, someone I really can talk to about things I may be uncertain about and things I'm excited about. I'm so happy things are looking up, it does just take time, I'll still be here too no matter what. This was such a beautiful poem and the emotion in it just melts my heart. I think Temps said it perfectly when she said all she ever wants is the best for you and for you to always be happy :] How true is that! The kindness from your heart is huge in this poem and I hope everyone can feel it.....because I agree, even in just talking to someone over a text or with a how are you, can make a big difference. It shows someone they care. Love you!

  • 11 years ago

    by Hellon

    Awe....I had no idea you'd written this Jenni...I feel very humbled by this write...It's the first time anyone has every written a poem for me so thank you so much. I know how much Connor means to you and...I also know that life has given you more that your fair share of knocks so...if I've lent an ear to you when you've been down then I'm just thankful I was around.