
by Lemon   Apr 28, 2013

I stood on Death's doorstep and he
Ushered me in, gave me a mug of hot chocolate
We talked about starlight and kittens
We laughed
He told me to come back again
In a few years
When I was not quite so young and naive
And a little more ready to die
Then he sent me on my way


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  • 11 years ago

    by Midnight Sky

    Hi joss this is dark indeed it's about meeting the devil i loved the end how much emotion you put in that when you said not so young & naive and a little more ready to die they sent me on my way i think you mean hell and joss that is dark but well written you felt you are not wanted so the devil is your only choice and you are a beautiful person let me just say that okay inside & out i loved it my friend peace & love midnight sky

  • 11 years ago

    by Angie

    I don't know if I'll ever be ready, but this was kind of comforting, I think the words you chose is what gives this feeling... and even Death is telling you, enjoy life, have fun, live, don't be in such a hurry to die, but just know that when it is your time, I will be there to make it easy and peaceful for you... love this write

  • 11 years ago

    by Maple Tree


    I adore this write for many reasons... You have captured the act of death... and gave it a comforting feeling... to make the reader feel comfort within death is a beautiful thing... the word usage of hot chocolate and kittens is quite creative here, and the ending is that of hope to carry on, for its not time yet...

    really adore this one!

    • 11 years ago

      by Lemon

      Thank you for your lovely feedback :). The style is inspired by Matt Mason, I'm still learning, trying to find a style which I find most comfortable to write in