Comments : Parasols in Spring

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    I like the idea of this piece! Parasols are timeless, I adore the look.

    I like the rhyme scheme but I feel it's a little off at the beginning ... dresses and lashes don't rhyme, at least not to me? and the ending seems unfinished.

    "They twirl like girls wearing new fit dresses,"

    ^ I think the use of 'fit' is awkward ...maybe another word... I find myself reading it like "They twirl like girls wearing new sassy dresses" lol...maybe iit's because it could flow with sashes. Just a suggestion. :)

    Overall, I love the idea of parasols in spring, twirling, flaunting, grateful to be shown to the world instead of hoarded in an attic!

    Lovely write! :)

    • 11 years ago

      by Jaymi Lynn

      Oh I never got to finish the ending. did it at school and the computer was shutting down.

  • 11 years ago

    by Unknown

    Oh okay, I see it now... I'm glad you was able to finish it! It's beautiful! :)